Mt. Maculot Cuenca, Batangas Travel Guide (from Cavite)

Mt. Maculot is one of the ideal mountains to hike for the beginners despite the now required guideship fees. Not only it is just hours away from Manila, it also offers one of the most spectacular views after an hour or two of continuous assault. As you go higher, you will be rewarded by the view of Taal Lake, not your usual view when passing by the infamous Tagaytay City. The main reason why hikers prefer to hike only up to the rockies is because of its one of the most picturesque view of Taal Lake. That alone already makes your hiking adventure worthwhile.

Mt. Maculot summit as seen from the 'Rockies'

Article Created: June 01, 2015

1. Van, Dasma to Lipa, Php125

At Dasma Pala-Pala Van Terminal, take Van going to Lipa. First trip starts as early as 4AM. But it will only go once the van is full. Usually 16-18 passengers depending on what type of van. The terminal is located beside Giligan's, in front of Robinsons. To get there, you may ride a jeep or bus with signboard 'Pala-pala', and ask the driver to get you off at the van terminal.

Lipa to Dasma: The terminal of the van going to Cavite is located in front of Robinson's Lipa. For its last trip, be sure to be there before 8PM. From Cuenca, ride a jeep going to Lipa and get off in front of Robinson's. 

2. Jeep, Lipa to Cuenca, Php25

From Lipa, take jeep going to Lemery and get off at Brgy. Poblacion, Cuenca.

3. Trike to Jump off point, Php20/head, 3-4pax/trike

There is an arch which has CUENCA written on it. Walk pass by that arch and you will see tricycles on queue.


1. Php20 per person to register.

An ID is required to deposit for every group of hikers. Before taking you to the jump off point, the trike driver will take you to the registration first where you will also secure a guide.

2. Guideship Fees:
There are three options to hike this mountain. First, the most common among hikers, particularly the beginners, is hiking up to 'The Rockies' only and descend afterwards. Second is the traverse. Instead of the descent, hikers proceed to the summit, then to grotto traversing the mountain. Third is either of the two and overnight. Each option has different guideship fees depending on the number of hikers per group.


Php400, 1-5persons (addtional Php50 per head in excess of 5 persons)

7 persons = Php400 + Php50 x 2 excess persons
= Php 500

Additional Php50 per head in top of the price of hiking ROCKIES (Letter A above)

7 persons = Php500 (as computed above)
Per head = 500/7 PLUS Php 50 when proceeding to summit

Php800, 1-5 persons (additional Php100 per head in excess of 5 persons)

Php800, 1-5 persons (addtional Php100 per head in excess of 5 persons)

Additional Php100 per head in top of the price of hiking ROCKIES & OVERNIGHT (Letter D above)


- Holy Week may not be the best time to go here as there are lots of pilgrims who go here and flock in the grotto.

- Water. Lots of water. During summer, it can get really hot at the campsite going to the rockies. There is a store in the campsite but expect the price to be hefty. A refill of water for a liter can cost as much as Php50! And the regular sized 'Mountain Dew' is Php45.
-  1 Set of clothes after hike. Along the trail to the jump off, there is an area where hikers can take a bath. Php15 for a large pail filled of water. The toilets are clean and well maintained.
- Sun protection. Rockies don't have large trees to give you shades. So bring hats or scarf to protect you from unforgiving heat. As much as possible, apply sunblock.

Since this mountain is also known as a place for pilgrimage, the trail consists of about 12 resting stations. During the blogger's last visit on May 31, 2015, almost all the stations have buko juice being sold by the locals for Php10. But not to underestimate its trail being pilgrims-friendly. The trail is continuous ascent. Meaning that one will be hiking in a trail with a very minimal flat area. Around 20 minutes from campsite, you will be trekking in an open trail so sun protection is a must to keep you from too much sun exposure. The campsite can be reached as fast as an hour if you do not take much rests along the trail.

0815 Start trek
1100 ETA Campsite
1130 ETA Rockies
1230 Back to Campsite, Lunch
1300 Start descent
1500 ETA Jump off Point (shower area), Freshen up

Note: You may want to have your lunch first upon arrival at the campsite. Then you may take a nap and proceed to rockies at around 1pm instead. That time, most hikers were leaving the rockies and going back to campsite already. That way, you will have the rockies by yourselves and have a better spot for photo ops.


  1. Great thing this post had a section that talked about what to expect. This help me really feel the excitement about hiking the mountain. I think it is really good to have a house in Batangas so that I can easily access these kind of places in the province.

  2. is it possible to travel alone, how much will it be if ever? Thanks

    1. This is possible but the last time I checked a tour guide is required


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