About Me

Welcome to Krizzy Wanders, my digital sanctuary and the evolution of a decade-long journey! 

I'm Krizzy, the adventurer behind the lens and words chronicling my experiences. Over 10 years ago, I birthed this blog as a humble travel diary, capturing the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cultures of the Philippines. 

If you want a visual feast of my escapades in the Philippines, head over to my Instagram @krizzywanders – where my wanderlust unfolds in vibrant pixels. Now that I've moved abroad, you can catch up with my adventures at @kaycee05__travels.

As the sands of time continued to shift, so did my life. I embraced a new chapter, weaving love into my story as I embarked on the beautiful journey of marriage. Yet, my passion for exploration and expression persisted. Across oceans and borders, I pursued education in the vast landscapes of Canada, delving into the fascinating world of engineering. But even amidst the equations and calculations, the written word remained my steadfast companion. This blog has undergone its metamorphosis – from a travel-centric narrative to a multifaceted lifestyle canvas. 

Here, you'll find the chapters of my life unfolding: from the scenic vistas of the Philippines to the dynamic landscapes of Canada, and the myriad experiences that bridge these two worlds. So, whether you've been with me since the beginning or are just joining this adventure, welcome! Krizzy Wanders is not just a blog; it's a chronicle of growth, a tapestry of diverse experiences, and an invitation to share in the joys of life's unfolding narrative. 

Buckle up, and let's wander through the pages of my life together. There's always a new chapter to explore, and I'm thrilled to have you along for the ride!


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